Social Skills Group Therapy

We specialize in providing a 10-week social skills group therapy program designed specifically for autistic adults. Our approach is rooted in neuroaffirmation and strengths-focused guidance. We provide a supportive space that fosters not only the development of essential social skills but also the cultivation of meaningful relationships. Join us for an opportunity to enhance overall well-being, connect with others who share similar experiences, and celebrate the unique strengths that make each individual shine.

Service Highlights

Tailored Social Skills Support: Engage in a program designed exclusively for autistic adults, emphasizing personalized strategies to enhance social interactions and connections.

Neuroaffirmative Environment: Immerse yourself in a neuroaffirmative setting that celebrates neurodiversity, ensuring a warm and understanding atmosphere for social skills development.

Strengths-Focused Guidance: Benefit from strengths-focused guidance that emphasizes and harnesses individual strengths, contributing to improved confidence and self-expression.

Community Connection: Join a supportive community where individuals share similar experiences, providing a space for mutual understanding, encouragement, and the formation of lasting connections.

Best suited for…

  • Autistic adults seeking Social Connection

  • Those Exploring Neuroaffirmative Spaces

  • Individuals with Varied Social Challenges

  • Those with Co-occuring conditions, such as ADHD or Anxiety

  • Autistic People Seeking Strengths-Focused Guidance

  • Those Aiming for Community Connection

  • Neurodivergent adults with specialized interests, hobbies, and passions

Step one

Interest Form: Complete this survey if you are interested in participating in a social skills group:

Step two

Scheduling: A representative from our team will reach out via phone or email once there is availability to participate in a social skills group.

Step three

Intake: Prior to participating in a group, you will complete an intake to discuss strengths, needs, and goals for therapy.

Step four

Weekly Group Sessions: Join our virtual 10-week program led by Dr. Osuna. Weekly 90-minute sessions cater to 6-10 autistic adults, with topics shaped by participant priorities and interests.

Step five

Follow-Up Sessions: Clients are invited to schedule follow-up 1:1 appointments with Dr. Osuna to track treatment progress and receive additional support.